Family Advocacy Group

Is a positive, supportive and complimentary partner to York Care Centre.
The group meets one a month to act as a support group for family members and friends who have residents at York Care Centre by:
- Sharing experiences, knowledge and information when a new resident is first admitted and throughout their stay.
- Recognizing and showing appreciation for staff and volunteers at York Care Centre who provide their time and effort.
The group provides feedback from a family perspective to the leadership team of York Care Centre regarding the issues which are considered important to the residents, family and friends.
The group stays informed about issues and activities which could affect the quality of health services and enjoyment of the residents and act as necessary by lobbying government, community groups and/or unions.
Meetings will incorporate opportunities for guest speakers with information on topics that are of interest to the families. The meetings also provide opportunity for families to engage with other family members and friends and broaden the network of contacts, should the family or friends need to reach out to someone.