About Us
Mission Statement: York Care Centre, in partnership with our community, supports quality of life for individuals and families in their home or in a home-like atmosphere by
- Providing excellent services in the operation of a large nursing home at standards based on best practices;
- Providing excellent services in the operation of independent and supportive living units to qualifying individuals;
- Increasing the availability of a range of services to a segment of the aging population to enable them to remain independent and at home.
- Providing a working environment based on positive Character Qualities, leading to an organization that is truly Magnetic in its ability to recruit and retain the best possible staff and volunteers.
- Providing an academic/research environment that promotes professional development and personal growth and stimulates research activity combined with and applied to a full suite of long-term care services.
Vision Statement: CARE
• C- Character first-do the right thing
• A- Accountability-for the prudent use of our resources
• R- Respect-for our residents and each other
• E- Excellence-we strive for continuous improvement.

In June of 1966 when the York County Council was abolished by the government of the day, York County Properties was formed to take over the assets of the County Council. At the time York County Properties took over the operation of what was referred to as the “Poor House”, a 28-bed building. The intention of this new company was to build a modern nursing home for the Fredericton area, therefore, on April 1, 1968 the York Care Centre 76-bed nursing home was opened. The old York Home building, as it was called, continued to house the 28 residents and became part of the nursing home beds. It was determined that there was a need for more beds so on September 14, 1974 the Dixon Lodge was opened. This brought the total number of beds to 167.
After much debate it was determined that more beds were needed and there was a need to replace the old York Home which, at this point, was in poor repair. On May 27, 1981 construction was completed to add 31 new beds and replace the old structure. Since one building had been referred to as York Care Centre it was decided to rename the buildings as Best – Allen – Dixon and to call the total complex York Care Centre. There were 200 beds at this time.
In 1994 it was determined that a special unit was needed for Alzheimer residents. The Best “B” wing was determined to be the best location. As a result of this decision, York Care Centre received permission to reduce the number of beds by two in order to accommodate a dining room for this unit.
Major renovations began in 2005 with the approval of a 12.6-million-dollar refurbishment plan which will greatly increase our complement of private rooms and provide newer more spacious accommodations. In October 2007, the government announced the approval of Phase 2 which completed the redevelopment of York Care Centre. The $21.8 million renovation and 10 bed expansion began in June 2008. This is an affirmation of York Care Centre’s ambitious goal to being a Centre of Excellence in long-term care.
York Care Centre presently has 218 beds.
Our Journey Towards Excellence
York Care Centre is on a journey to be a “Centre of Excellence”, throughout our journey thus far, we have established:
- Resident-Centred Care: responding to the needs of our residents
- Service Excellence: high concentration on resident and family satisfaction
- High-Quality clinical care: clinical outcomes, dignity, safety, resident comfort
- Clear accountability at Governance and Management levels
- Focus on people: staff satisfaction through much communication, staff professional development and education, workplace safety, quality of work environment, recognition based on Character
- Community/External Relations: cultivated relationships with partners and local community groups, successful volunteer program, vibrant Foundation
- Adequate funding: York Foundation Inc. was established to raise the profile of York Care Centre within the community to generate funds, and to support initiatives that strengthen the Centre
- Academic Partnerships: arrangement with universities and colleges for research and clinical training
Our goal is service excellence as we believe the residents of York Care Centre deserve the very best!
What Makes York Care Centre a Centre of Excellence in Aging Care
- Privacy and many modern conveniences for gracious living for our residents
- Single, spacious resident rooms
- A Culture of Excellence based on Character
- Falls Reduction / Least Restraint
- EMAR System (medication administration)
- Narrative Care Program
- Family Advocacy Group
- Snoezelen Room
- Formation of Centre of Innovation & Research in Aging (CIRA)
- Academic Partnerships: teaching nursing home